It’s time we focus on adult illiteracy in Houston.

More than 1 million adults in Houston are functionally illiterate.

This means that 1 in every 3 adults in Harris County is not able to read, write, compute, think critically, and communicate orally well enough to function on the job, in the family, and across society.


We are creating a movement to make literacy a reality for everyone in Houston.

We are taking action.
Here is our plan for change.


Houston’s Adult Literacy Blueprint is a strategic plan to address the systemic crisis of low adult literacy rates through coordinated, city-wide action and partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Adult Literacy.

•  A full report on the impact of low rates of adult literacy on Houston

•  Seven key goals and supporting strategies 

•  A practical action plan to achieve each of those goals 

•  Key metrics to measure & communicate progress

“It is my belief that hope and freedom exist in literacy.”

– Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner

“The American Dream is about giving everyone who works hard an equal opportunity to succeed. If we don’t give everyone the ability to simply read and write, then we aren’t giving everyone an equal chance to succeed.”

– First Lady Barbara Bush